Adam Richardson's Site

Arch Linux Notes

Table of Contents

<2022-08-02 Tue>


Setup install USB Drive

  • Obtain the latest archlinux iso and verify it downloaded correctly
  • Use dd to write the image to the removable drive

dd bs=4M if=path/to/archlinux-version-x86_64.iso of=/dev/<YOUR_USB_DRIVE> conv=fsync oflag=direct status=progress

Connect to Internet


  • Use iwctl to connect to a wifi network
  • Type help to see various examples of how to use iwctl
  • station wlan0 connect <NAME_OF_NETWORK>
  • Enter the password at the prompt
  • If it connected you can exit iwctl


  • Set the clock to use ntp timedatectl set-ntp true





  • Verify you booted in UEFI mode ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
  • If you are able to run the above without errors then you are in uefi mode
  • Use lsblk to view the detected harddrives
  • Parition the main drive with gdisk /dev/<YOUR_MAIN_DRIVE>
  • Delete any existing paritions
  • Create a 512MB partition with code EF00
  • Create a parition with the remaining space with code 8300
  • Write the changes to disk


Full Disk Encryption

  • Run lsblk again to see the new partition numbers
  • Run cryptsetup on the main linux parition cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/<MAIN_DRIVE_LINUX>
  • Open the encrypted partition as cryptroot cryptsetup open /dev/<MAIN_DRIVE_LINUX> cryptroot
  • Format cryptroot with ext4 mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/cryptroot
  • Mount cryptroot to /mnt mount /dev/mapper/cryptroot /mnt

TODO Unencrypted

EFI System Partition

  • Run mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/<MAIN_DRIVE_EFI>
  • Make mount point mkdir /mnt/boot
  • Mount the efi partition mount /dev/<MAIN_DRIVE_EFI> /mnt/boot


  • Use pacstrap to download initial packages pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware dhcpcd iwd mg mailutils

Generate fstab

  • Use genfstab to generate an fstab genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab


  • Use the arch-chroot command to chroot into the new partition arch-chroot /mnt


  • Symlink your timezone to /etc/localtime ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Kentucky/Louisville /etc/localtime


  • Edit /etc/locale.gen and uncomment your locale
  • For example mg /etc/locale.gen and uncoment en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
  • Generate locale locale-gen
  • Set the locale localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  • Create a file /etc/locale.conf and set the contents to LANG=en_US.UTF-8


  • Create the hostname file with your hostname /etc/hostname
  • Edit the /etc/hosts to like below     localhost
::1           localhost


  • If you are using full disk encryption you need to update the initramfs
  • Edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
  • Edit the hooks to be like this HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf block keyboard encrypt filesystems fsck)
  • Run mkinitcpio -P to generate the image


  • Run passwd to set the root password


  • Install either pacman -Sy intel-ucode or pacman -Sy amd-ucode if that applies

Boot Manager

  • Run bootctl install to install the systemd boot manager
  • Create a boot loader entry in /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf with the below text
  • You can get the partition UUID (not PARTUUID) from blkid and make sure you set the ucode to match your CPU type
  • Ensure that it is the partition UUID and not the /dev/mapper/cryptroot one
title   Arch Linux
linux   /vmlinuz-linux
initrd  /intel-ucode.img
initrd  /initramfs-linux.img
options cryptdevice=UUID=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX:cryptroot root=/dev/mapper/cryptroot rw
  • Edit the /boot/loader/loader.conf to use your new config
default      arch.conf
timeout      5
console-mode max
editor       no
  • You can see if it worked by running bootctl list

Enabling Services

  • Enable iwd wifi service systemctl enable iwd
  • Enable dhcpcd service systemctl enable dhcpcd


  • Exit the chroot environment
  • Unmount the /mnt/boot partition and the /mnt partition
  • Run reboot and test out the new install
  • Ensure that the computer doesn't try to boot the usb stick again

Join wifi

  • If you need to join wifi you should be able to use iwctl to communicate with iwd
  • From there it should be same as before
  • For example, station wlan0 connect <NAME_OF_NETWORK>

Wifi interface is not visible?

  • If you are unable to see the wifi interface after rebooting try restarting the iwd service

User accounts

  • You should create a user outside of the root user on the machine
  • Run useradd -m -G wheel,uucp <USER_NAME> to create a new user
  • Run passwd <USER_NAME> to set that new user's password
  • Install sudo if you haven't already pacman -Sy sudo
  • Set the EDITOR environment variable and run visudo export EDITOR=mg && visudo
  • From here uncomment the line that mentions the wheel group
  • After this you should be able to log in as the newly created user and run sudo commands

Caps Lock Control

  • Make the directory for keymaps sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/kbd/keymaps
  • Create a file named /usr/local/share/kbd/keymaps/ (you might need to create any missing directories)
  • Give it the contents below
keymaps 0-127
keycode 58 = Control
  • Edit /etc/vconsole.conf and set its contents to the following KEYMAP=/usr/local/share/kbd/keymaps/
  • After the next reboot the caps lock key should be an extra control inside the console

Basic Packages

pacman -Sy emacs man man-pages tmux ncdu fzf mosh rsync pass pass-otp curl wget gnupg git cronie cdparanoia abcde beets python-pip ctags aspell aspell-en htop unzip zip pv nethack sshfs p7zip zbar ledger
  • Don't forget to enable cronie systemctl enable cronie.service

Serial Communication

  • Install picocom sudo pacman -Sy picocom
  • Plug in you USB serial device and try it out
  • For example, picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0
  • To find the serial device you can run dmesg and grep the output for tty sudo dmesg | grep tty
  • I do not recommend running picocom inside eshell, ansi-term is a better choice
  • Use C-a C-x to exit picocom when you are done, if inside of emacs you might need to type C-x twice
  • If you have issues with permissions ensure your user is in the uucp group with the command groups

X Windows

  • Install xorg with sudo pacman -Sy xorg-server xorg-apps xorg-xinit
  • Install the right graphics driver sudo pacman -Sy xf86-video-{amdgpu, ati, intel, nouveau}
  • Proprietary nvidia drivers are installed with sudo pacman -Sy nvidia
  • Based on you graphics driver you might also need to install mesa sudo pacman -Sy mesa
  • Install git sudo pacman -Sy git
  • Clone dwm mkdir ~/src && cd ~/src && git clone
  • Build and install dwm cd ~/src/dwm && sudo make install
  • Clone dmenu cd ~/src && git clone
  • Build and install dmenu cd ~/src/dmenu && sudo make install
  • Clone slstatus cd ~/src && git clone
  • Build and install slstatus cd ~/src/slstatus && sudo make install
  • Create an .xinitrc in your homedir and set dwm and start dwm in it
  • Test out x by running startx from the terminal
  • Install lightdm and the gtk greeter sudo pacman -Sy lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter
  • Edit the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and uncomment greeter-session and set it to lightdm-gtk-greeter
  • Enable lightdm sudo systemctl enable lightdm
  • Create /usr/share/xsessions/dwm.desktop and use the below code
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Login using dwm


sudo pacman -Sy xterm firefox arandr pavucontrol xlockmore xss-lock ttf-hack noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts-extra terminus-font xorg-xbacklight pamixer mpv redshift thunar zathura zathura-pdf-mupdf zathura-cb xorg-fonts xorg-fonts-100dpi xorg-fonts-75dpi xorg-fonts-misc xorg-fonts-type1 xorg-fonts-cyrillic vlc kitty imagemagick feh mupdf mupdf-tools libmupdf ghostscript texlive-most
  • Start lightdm to confirm its working sudo systemctl start lightdm


  • Install pipewire pipewire-docs pipewire-pulse
  • You might need to restart for the the service to be started properly

Bluetooth Audio

  • Install bluez bluez-utils
  • Enable bluetooth service bluetooth.service
  • Run bluetoothctl and follow the below example
power on
agent on
scan on
# Find the address of the device you want to connect to
# Ensure the device you want to connect to is in pairing mode
pair <ADDRESS>
connect <ADDRESS>
trust <ADDRESS> # this is for auto connecting
scan off
  • After a reboot you might need to manually power on bluetooth and set the agent
power on
agent on

Laptop Media Keys

  • Install dunst for desktop notifications sudo pacman -Sy libnotify dunst
  • There are various util commands that make it easy to bind to keys in dwm in the

Populate and refresh pacman keys

  • Sometimes package signatures are out of date
  • To update them run sudo pacman-key --populate and sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys
  • You might also need to reinstall the key ring, sudo pacman -S archlinux-keyring


  • ArchWiki
  • Install cups
  • Enable cups sudo systemctl enable --now cups
  • For network printing install nss-mdns and avahi and enabled avahi sudo systemct enable --now avahi-daemon
  • Add mdns_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] to the file /etc/nsswitch.conf after the mymachines and before resolve and dns
  • Use lpinfo -v to see a list of printer URIs
  • Use lpadmin to add a printer queue, for example lpadmin -p <PRINTER_QUEUE_NAME> -E -v "ipp://URL" -m everywhere
  • Use lpoptions -d <PRINTER_QUEUE_NAME> to make the printer default
  • Enable the printer with cupsenable <PRINT_QUEUE_NAME>
  • Set the printer to accept jobs cupsaccept <PRINT_QUEUE_NAME>
  • To print a test page use lpr /usr/share/cups/data/testprint
  • To print a file use lpr <SOME_FILE> or lpr -# <NUMBER_OF_COPIES> <SOME_FILE>
  • cups has a web UI acceptable here http://localhost:631/

OpenTTD and MIDI

  • Install OpenTTD packages: openttd, openttd-opensfx, openttd-opengfx
  • In order to hear music you need to download some music from the online updater in the game
  • Install the soundfont-fluid in order to hear the music from the game

Building Emacs

  • clone emacs from savannah git clone -b master git://
  • Releases are usually in a branch with the version number, for example emacs-28
  • Run the ./ to build the configure script
  • Use this command to configure with native compilation ./configure --with-native-compilation
  • On Arch Linux you might need to grab libgccjit from AUR mkdir ~/aur && git clone && cd ~/aur/libgccjit && makepkg -si
  • This will warn you about any missing dependencies, from there you should obtain them for your OS
  • Build emacs with make -j <NUMBER_OF_CPU_CORES+1>
  • Run make install with appropriate permissions to install the new version on the system
  • Use M-x emacs-version RET to see the current version info, including the build date





  • miniflux requires PostgreSQL, sudo pacman -Sy postgresql
  • Become the postgres user sudo -iu postgres
  • Initialize the DB as the postgres user, initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data
  • Return to the normal user with exit
  • Enable and start the PostgreSQL systemd service, sudo systemctl enable --now postgresql.service
  • Verify it is running with systemctl status postgresql
  • Become the postgres user again, sudo -iu postgres
  • Create the miniflux user, createuser -P miniflux (you will need to set the password)
  • Create the miniflux2 database owned by the miniflux user, createdb -O miniflux miniflux2
  • Enabled the HSTORE extension the miniflux2 db, psql miniflux2 -c 'create extension hstore'


  • There is a community package in arch for miniflux called miniflux
  • Become the postgres user, sudo -iu postgres and run psql
  • Alter the miniflux user temporarily to have SUPERUSER priviledges to run the migration, ALTER USER miniflux WITH SUPERUSER;
  • Type exit to leave psql then become the normal user with exit
  • Run miniflux -migrate to prepare the database
  • Become the postgres user again and remove the SUPERUSER permissions on the miniflux user, ALTER USER miniflux with NOSUPERUSER;
  • Become the normal user again and create the admin account, miniflux -create-admin
  • Enable and start the miniflux systemd service, sudo systemctl enable --now miniflux.service
  • You can set the port in /etc/miniflux.conf, PORT=8081 or whatever you want
  • You might want to adjust the polling frequency to be faster than 60 minutes, POLLING_FREQUENCY=15